Discover actionable methods to reduce workplace latency and stay motivated, inspired, and energized throughout the workweek. Get insights on improving productivity, maintaining a positive mindset, and fostering a healthy work environment.

On the First Post Website, a news report featuring Palki Sharma recently shared a Gallup survey revealing that 60% of workers feel unmotivated in their jobs. This statistic came as a surprise to me, especially considering the millions of jobs IT and Tech advancements have opened up in the world. Take Bengaluru for instance, the city used to be regarded as the City of Knowledge, the City of Gardens, and the City of Retirement, experienced a significant shift during the IT boom of 2003-2005. This period marked the influx of office-goers who secured coveted positions at companies like Infosys, Wipro, and KPMG. These individuals were celebrated as the embodiment of success and were the envy of their peers. Today, they continue to be the epitome of achievement, residing in lavish villas in Whitefield and Electronic City, often working at esteemed organizations like Google. In a world of abundance, why then, does this successful crop of achievers need motivation?
As a writer, I was taken aback by this revelation. However, my experience as an empathetic trainer has taught me to understand the importance of motivation in the workplace. Just like the skilled warrior Arjun, who required guidance and motivation from Shri Krishna despite his training and knowledge, we all need a sense of direction and purpose in our lives.
The reality is that not everyone requires external motivation to perform. Individuals like Shlok Srivastava, the owner of Tech Burner, find inspiration in their work and surroundings.
Shlok is constantly inspired by the world of technology. His interactions with people and technology are fun, straightforward, and action-oriented. He comprises the personality that 40% of workers who did not make it to the Gallup Survey. Can we too get there? In the words of Obama, ‘Yes, we can!’.
So what are the actionable methods to adopt to reduce the latency one experiences on Monday or a low-energy week:
Sunday is a Half-day:
Just as parents prioritize the well-being of their young children by not keeping them out late on a Sunday, it is advisable to conclude Sunday activities, such as leisure and socializing, by 6 pm. I recall an acquaintance who adamantly refused to schedule dinner meetings on Sunday evenings; instead, he dedicated this time to addressing emails and completing tasks that had accumulated over the weekend. Why is it beneficial to designate half of Sunday as a working day? Firstly, Sundays are not solely reserved for relaxation and socializing, but also for fulfilling responsibilities. Once these obligations are fulfilled, it becomes easier to focus on preparing for the upcoming work week. Secondly, irrespective of age, energy levels, or adrenaline levels, reducing physical exertion on Sunday can enhance productivity throughout the week. Lastly, adhering to an early bedtime and ensuring eight hours of sleep can significantly improve productivity and maintain a positive mood on Monday, thereby establishing a healthy sleep pattern for the rest of the week.
There is a wealth of self-help and motivational literature available for a reason—take advantage of it. On those difficult mornings when I am faced with a daunting list of tasks, I find that reading positive quotes and listening to motivational speeches can act as a mental stimulant, helping to clear the fog and shift my mindset from negative to positive. Such resources possess a wisdom that has the power to lift me out of a slump and invigorate me with the energy to face challenges with a smile. Taking a class to upskill and help you move out of your current phase is an energetic and motivating process. Often the wisdom shared by figures such as Abdul Kalam, who spoke of his struggles as a ‘young fellow,’ or Jack Ma, the co- founder of Ali Baba Group, whose success mantra ‘Today is difficult’ is one of the most viewed videos on the internet is what keeps your most hardworking office colleagues going.

Staying Upbeat:
At times, life can present us with challenges that test our resolve. I understand that despite your best efforts, you may not currently be experiencing the outcomes you desire. While you may be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, there may still be some distance to cover before reaching your destination. During such times, it is important to engage in activities that promote a positive state of mind and uplift your spirits. Whether it’s listening to music, dancing, sharing jokes, talking to a friend, laughing heartily, exchanging pleasantries with neighbours, indulging in street food, offering prayers, enjoying a piece of candy after lunch, savouring an extra cup of coffee, or treating yourself to something special, these simple activities can serve as a reminder of the goodness in the world and prevent you from succumbing to negativity.
Love your Mondays:
A recent conversation with a group of business owners revealed a shared sentiment about the energy and excitement they experience on Mondays, despite the busy schedule that typically accompanies the start of the workweek. One individual candidly expressed, “While I may struggle to plan activities for the weekend, I am genuinely enthusiastic about the upcoming week and the opportunities it brings—whether it’s sending invoices, making follow-up calls, attending networking events, or pursuing new business ventures. I find joy and motivation in the work ahead.” In essence, it’s not solely about “following your passion” but also about identifying what excites you, recognizing your strengths, and what are the tasks that drain your energy. My design lecturer in college used to say that he could only do 3 rounds of iterations for a magazine after that he handed it over; knowing your strengths and limits can keep you in a good space through the workweek.
Elevating Your Workspace:
It’s often said that a clean and organized workspace is essential for productivity, but I believe it goes beyond mere tidiness. Your workspace should be a place of comfort and personal connection, allowing you to immerse yourself fully in your work. Ensure that all necessary equipment, stationery, and reference materials are easily accessible, avoiding any unnecessary struggles when you’re in the zone. Once you’ve achieved the functionality you need, consider personalizing your space with images and objects that contribute to a positive work environment. This approach can further enhance your productivity and overall work experience.

If Not for Myself:
An article by Harvard Business Review on motivation suggests considering the impact of your job and work on the people around you. In the 70s and 80s, the primary purpose of work was often to provide financial support for one’s family. We may wonder how our parents’ generation managed to find motivation in this way. However, they inherently understood that the money they earned was vital for sustaining their family’s well-being. Our generation, on the other hand, often has the luxury of fewer dependents and responsibilities within the family. Recognizing the broader impact of your job, beyond just providing for your family, can contribute significantly to your sense of self-worth. For instance, a manager may serve as the go-to person when the boss is unavailable, a receptionist may be the welcoming face of the company, and an office assistant may offer support to colleagues in times of need. Knowing that your work has a positive impact on others and that you have a meaningful role in the world is a powerful source of motivation.
Reflecting on this topic, I’ve come to recognize that we tend to hold onto negative experiences and emotions, allowing them to drain us. However, when it comes to positive memories and experiences, we often have the memory of a goldfish. It’s challenging to break this pattern, but making small, consistent changes to foster positivity in our lives and minds can make a significant difference. Ultimately, these efforts can contribute to a happier, more motivated workforce, hoping for a future Gallup survey to show that only 6% percentage of workers feel unmotivated in their jobs.
A very nice article about the critical missing element of every organization – MOTIVATION.
Weekly 6.5 days as “inspired working days” would do wonders and take any individual to greater heights.
Namaste Kartik,
Thank you for your response. We are delighted to hear that you enjoyed the article and are in agreement with the need for Motivation in the Workplace. Your calculation of ‘6.5 days of Inspired Work Days’ provides an insightful perspective into maintaining stability and consistency in our daily lives.
A very structured, logically flowing and intelligently deciphered write up providing practical guidance on how to improve motivation to enjoy work life balance and soul satisfaction.
Well done Gitanjali ji.
Namaste Inder jii,
Thank you for your comments and appreciation. It’s encouraging to hear your thoughts. You’ve made a wonderful observation—achieving work-life balance is indeed possible with purpose and perseverance.
Found this article about the work place latency and motivation quite an analyzed one.
It’s nowadays universally accepted that motivation is one of the most important factors to overcome low latency at work. The employees who are highly motivated perform excellently at work.
While a conducive environment at a work place tends to increase level of one’s motivation, how does one spend a weekend definitely has a significant bearing on the workplace latency.
I believe this article would be found quite informative equally by the employers and the employees in enhancing performance and output at work.
Namaste Prakash jii,
Thank you for your valuable feedback. It would be beneficial if both employers and employees alike find this article helpful. After all, motivation is essential regardless of one’s designation or role in the workplace. Your insightful perspective is much appreciated.
Thank you once again for your feedback and kind words.
Warm regards,