Presentation Skills for Leaders

Presentation Skills for Leaders for Development, Scale, and Growth

Duration: 2 Days/12 Hours


course components

  • Purpose of Presentation
  • Inspire Action
  • Thinking Outside the Box
  • Voice & Body Language
  • Owning a Room
  • Leadership Characteristics
  • Maintaining a Sense of Self
  • Rehearsal & Mock Session
  • Preparation in Groups
  • Presentation

Course Brief

When leaders get on stage they take their crown with them, we teach you how to focus on your presentation through skill and art without the pressures that surround your job description.

There is only one name for the above question – Steve Jobs. We have all come across the enigma that surrounds a presentation when a thought leader like Steve Jobs is on stage. Our course aims to recreate the same magic. 

After months of building a project, a team, region, a company finally gets to put it out there in the world! Our course helps bring out a unique blend of the project elements and the leadership charisma that will capture the audience.


It is not enough to just make the presentation, it is important to practice it, play your own devil’s advocate to understand where the criticism and objections will arise, and yet go forth with courage.

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