Beyond Deities: Celebrating the Divine Role of Teachers

Exploring Hinduism’s Reverence for Gurus Through Shri Ram’s Leadership Journey

The Role of Teachers in Hinduism

In Hindu scriptures, particularly the shloka presented, the ‘Guru’ or teacher is revered above Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—the creator, protector, and destroyer of ignorance, respectively. This highlights the profound role of a teacher, who, much like a beacon in dark times, can transform lives. It is this crucial role that places the Guru above the three principal deities in Hinduism.

Experiencing a lack of guidance, encountering negative influences, or facing challenging times, one comes to realize that a good teacher can shape raw potential, akin to turning carbon into a precious diamond. A dedicated teacher, mentor, or guide invests both personal and professional time to solve the problems of others, channeling their energy and intent into developing great leaders and mindful individuals.

Shri Ram’s Exemplary Leadership Skills

Guru Vashishtha is teaching archery to Ram, Lakshman, Bharat, Shatrughan

An exemplary illustration of this is found in the story and leadership skills of Shri Ram. When his father, King Dashrath, asked him to go into exile to fulfill a promise made to Queen Kaikeyi, Shri Ram demonstrated remarkable courage. This courage, needed to survive and thrive in the unpredictable forest, stemmed from years of learning under his Gurus. In the austere Gurukul of Maharishi Vashisht, Shri Ram, along with his brothers Lakshman, Bharath, and Shatrugun, spent their formative years away from royal luxuries. Maharishi Vashisht imparted Brahman Vidya and Yoga Vidya, while Rajrishi Vishwamitra, a former king, taught them archery and the scriptures.

Rajrishi Vishwamitra’s teaching method was experiential. He requested King Dashrath to send Shri Ram and Lakshman to the forest to combat demons disrupting his yajna. Initially hesitant, King Dashrath agreed with Maharishi Vashisht’s advice, who emphasized that vanquishing the demons would be a true test of the brothers’ knowledge.

Personal Journey

Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose)

On a personal note, I have always held teachers, education, knowledge, and books in high regard. At the age of eight, my father employed a Karate teacher for my brother and me. We trained diligently and participated in competitions until a relocation disrupted our training, leading to a lapse in physical exercise knowledge.

During the lockdown, I enrolled with HealthifyMe to rebuild my health for long-term betterment. My coach and dietician at HealthifyMe were exemplary, providing constant encouragement and tailored programs. After two years, I transitioned to exercising at my local gym, maintaining the recommended diet and meal schedule. The training instilled by my coach reignited my interest in physical fitness, and my previous Karate training resurfaced, enhancing my workout routines.

A school teacher also introduced me to Yoga, and recently, I successfully performed the Urdhva Dhanurasana (Wheel pose), which filled me with gratitude for her teachings.


This experience illuminated why teachers are exalted above Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva: they discern and cultivate our latent potential, extend their guidance far beyond their immediate presence, and impart the wisdom that grants us true liberation throughout our lives.


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